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Montreux Jazz Festival 2006: Santana's Dance to the Beat of My Drum, Auditorium Stravinski, July 9, a special project with Idrissa Diop (Musical Director), Carlinhos Brown, Los Ibellis Jr, Mory Kanté, Angélique Kidjo, Kora Jazz Trio, Touré Kunda, Ismaël Lô, Brazil Percushow, Boubacar and Valle.
Montreux Jazz Festival 2006: Santana's Dance to the Beat of My Drum, Auditorium Stravinski, July 9, a special project with Idrissa Diop (Musical Director), Carlinhos Brown, Los Ibellis Jr, Mory Kanté, Angélique Kidjo, Kora Jazz Trio, Touré Kunda, Ismaël Lô, Brazil Percushow, Boubacar and Valle. Photo ID 10011372. © Jacques Lauber -

Santana: Dance to the Beat of My Drum

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